Random TV Shows: Binge 2017

Once again, I watched a bustle full of new TV shows. New shows to me, not that they all were new in 2017.

The problem you see, is Netflix. Seven of these are original Netflix TV shows. Cannot. Resist. Temptation.

Let’s break it down.

Continue reading “Random TV Shows: Binge 2017”

Zanzibar Zeitgeist

I’ve been extremely poor at dropping photos of the places I’ve traveled to. You know, to satisfy your inquisitive pleasures. Or at least contribute to the zeitgeist of the day!

Consider this a course correction. Here is an assortment of still frames from my recent jaunt to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and a weekend on the island of Zanzibar.

Hotel views in Dar es Salaam

Hotel view

Continue reading “Zanzibar Zeitgeist”

11 for December 2017: To Do List

Wow, another year in the books. 2017 is almost toast, but we still have a fair bit of work to do.

For the fifth year in a row, I present my December To Do List. And like all the many years before it, it’s an amazing, transcendent ride that will have you weeping for joy, and high-fiving people you don’t even know!

Okay, as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker likes to say, “None of those words are true.”

But that shouldn’t stop you from closing this post now and heading out to high-five someone! Or just give them a hug. They may need it.

These lists have a certain sameness to them, because December also represents the season I return to Washington State for the holidays. And there are certain things I like to do when I head back to my home state. I’ll spend about half of December in DC and the other half in WA. (Editor’s note: At press time, I’m already there!)

December 2017 To Do List

  1. Write a concert review – I’ve been doing it all year, might as well do one in December too.
  2. Attend two Seattle Seahawks games – The games are do or die, luckily for us fans, just the way Russel Wilson likes it.
  3. Sleep in a cabin – Have a few spirits, watch bad movies, tussle in the snow. Escape.
  4. Witness Star Wars: The Last Jedi – (Hint: I did this already! Making this list easier for myself!)
  5. Check out four new (to me) breweries – I did three last year so let’s make it harder this December! Sigh.
  6. Eat a Dick’s Drive-In Deluxe burger – I said I’m putting this on my list every year, did you not believe me?
  7. Do some outdoorsy things – Hike? Ski? Just get outside.
  8. Write – This blog has seen little activity in recent months, so I’ve hired a few gifted spam bots to craft incredible click bait content and relentlessly post until you cry mercy!
  9. See family – That’s why I come home for the holidays, so might as well do it!
  10. Go somewhere I haven’t been to in a while – Vague and unspecific. Just the way I like it, makes it easier to win this list.
  11. Wild Card – Something that might have made this list, if I was smart enough to think of it ahead of time.


