A Lesson in Failure

My random goal in June was to write (and post) nine blog entries. I failed. I posted only five in June.

Read them again for the first time:

  1. 230 For July: Miles (Part Two)
  2. Storm Aftermath
  3. Five Random Quotes: Creative Thinking
  4. 25 For May: Firsts (In Hindsight)
  5. Paris in Photos and Other Moveable Feasts

So why did I fail?

I did draft other posts, I really did. I couldn’t find the willpower or time to finish them.

In takes more time beyond what I acknowledge in my head to create something. Whether that is something worth sharing or not is beside the point. For that, I need even more time.

If there are photos…more time. If there is value in it…more time. If there is something funny to say…more time. If I want to use fancy words…less time (since I rarely do even a smattering of research, words that I have no clue of their meaning somehow sneak into my zeugmatic vocabulary).

I traveled some in June, preventing me from focusing on the goal at hand. I spent more time doing, than reflecting and writing. A common trend that is forever repeating itself.

Lesson for the day: Time is not on my side.

Eat Miami

In South Beach, Miami you can do plenty. Since this is a family friendly blog, let’s not go into details.

Ignore that. If you are overtly sensitive by nature, cover your eyes now, details are about to start flying.

One of the plenty is to eat. One way to eat is to forego the sit down scene and do a walking Miami Culinary Tour with tastings and sippings at multiple places.

Three of us descended on South Beach like an A-named  hurricane. Let’s call these three… Mickey, Carlos and Jeremy.

Mickey discovered and arranged the Tour. We met the tour guide and our group of 15 would-be-eaters in the early evening, blocks from our hotel. Dark clouds loomed. The tour guide strongly suggested we buy an umbrella in order to enjoy the serious amount of walking to come. We ignored her.

What follows is a snapshot of each of the dishes presented to us for our tasting pleasure. My iPhone didn’t take kindly to every location, but I’m posting the blurry and badly lit shots anyway because that’s what I do. Quality has never been an issue with this blog.

Plantain w/chicken and an empanada – samples of two Colombian dishes (Location: Bolivar Miami Beach – an exotic fusion of Colombian, Peruvian and Venezuelan cuisine) Food note: We also came back and eat a regular dinner here another evening.

Refajo – a mix of the soft drink called Colombiana and beer (Location: Bolivar Miami Beach)

Ceviche – raw seafood marinated in citrus juices (like lemon) and spiced with chili peppers (Location: Goyo El Pollo)

Arroz Chaufa – a Peruvian dish inspired by Chinese immigrants (Location: Goyo El Pollo)

Lobster Bisque (Location: Cha Cha Rooster)

Fried plantain chips (Location: David’s Cafe)

Cuban sandwich – ham and cheese and stuff (Location: David’s Cafe)

Cafe Cubano – a type of very strong espresso (Location: David’s Cafe)

Rugelach – a type of traditional Jewish pastry (Location: Jerry’s Famous Deli)

Pisco Sour –  a Peruvian cocktail (Location: Cevichery Restobar)

Causa de Camaron – a Peruvian dish with a big shrimp (Location: Cevichery Restobar)

Gelato – I had the Bacio flavor! Hazelnuts and chocolate! (Location: Milani Gelateria)

The gelato wheel
Bacio flavor

Additional photos (better ones) on the Culinary Tour’s website.

After the tour we nursed a few caipirinhas at Boteco on Espanola Way.

Say Hello To My Little Friend

Victory! It smells so sweet.

The Hill Rag leaked the results of the 2012 Pet Photo Contest in the form of their July issue.

Kuma, hot dog extraordinaire, is victorious. He wins Best in the Cleverest category.

He also gains the distinguished honor of being featured three consecutive years. And four out of five. An honor only bestowed on the greatest of dog breeds, the wiener, in the greatest of neighborhoods, the Hill.

Kuma is available to the press to bark at any questions or to pee on any fire hydrants. Get your appointment in early, he does have a full schedule of sleeping all day.

Going deeper into the Hill Rag’s contest there are still critical gaps in wiener dog representation. Only three this year? One of those is hard to tell the breed. There are so many to choose from.

See below for Kuma’s photo submissions. Also peek at the Pet Photo section in July’s issue of Hill Rag.

Winner: Cleverest Category

Foie Gras

The other submission – ‘Taking care of business’

Have you seen my red stapler?